Kirill's lecture
Material für die geplante Gemälde-Installation und das vorbereitende Diorama.
Lenin als Vorbild für einen engagierten Lehrer
- Die Geste von Lenin als Aktiver und Lehrer, moderierend, undogmatisch; nebenbei: technik-affin:
- Ergänzend: Übersicht von Lenin-Bildern
- Vortrag im größeren Kreis, wichtig auch die Gesten der Zuhörer
Kirill I.
- Kyrill I. - Informationen und Fotos in der deutschen und russischen Wikipedia
- Interview zu Europa, ein Link daraus
- “While sharing the Paschal joy with you, I want to express gratitude for the clergy’s efforts aimed at the nation’s spiritual revival, the consolidation of public peace and accord and the upbringing of the younger generation,” Medvedev said in a statement.
- Kraftvolle Träger des Lichts - Brauchen wir Assistenten aus Seiten Kirill's in dem Gemälde?
- Feierlichkeiten - Tage der Slawischen Kultur, gutgelaunter Kirill
- Radio Free Europe - Russia's Patriarch Increasingly Becoming Major Force In Politics
- The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church strolled past a row of sailors in dress uniform, boarded a nuclear submarine, and presented the crew with an icon of the Mother of God. - “You should not be ashamed of going to church and teaching the Orthodox faith to your children,” the patriarch told the Severodvinsk workers. “Then we shall have something to defend with our missiles.”
- .. gefolgt von einer detaillierten und differenzierten Analyse von Kirill's Rolle, sowie historischen Bezügen:
- “He is .. someone who has influence over .. education, culture, spirituality..“
- But Kirill has also had his differences with the Kremlin. - In a recent interview Archbishop Hilarion, who heads the Moscow Patriarchate's Department of External Relations and is a close aide to Kirill, called the Soviet leader Josef Stalin “a spiritually deformed monster” who was “comparable to Hitler” and “unleashed a genocide against the people of his own country.”
- Vatican Insider .. zeigt ein schönes Portraitfoto des Patriarchen
- The Resurrection of the Savior symbolizes his victory over sin and death and the birth of a new world…
- Psychedelisches Foto daraus
Für die Renovierung des Kosmonautenmuseums 2005 errichtete Status von Sergej Koroljow:
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