Project butterfly
This project segment was not realised, based on a lack of butterflys in Italy
Project butterfly is part of the presentation of start at the Enduring Futurism campaign.
I believe that this project should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this year is out, of shooting a butterfly as high in the sky as it has never seen before.
(Inspired by JFK's speech for the apollo mission)
Real space projects traditionally imply a number of “quality management” rituals - test runs, carefully planned preparations, to avoid any mistakes for the real mission (see TRL).
There are two parts in here, as in real missions:
Propulsion test
The rocket engine is always the most delicate piece of technique in any rocket - if there was a failure it was mostly due to this part (think about the Space Shuttle accidents). We are using here model rocket engines, stronger than a classical fireworks rocket, that run for 5 seconds and has a total impulse of 7 Ns.
The test aim is:
- Assess the environmental implications of the rocket engine run.
The engine should be fixed in a way like shown in the picture. A video of the test run should show the engine burning as well as the environmental effects in the dispari e dispari atelier.
Pilot selection
We consider that pilots are living creatures - they might feel sick just before the flight, might get depressions etc. So there should always be (at least) two pilots to choose from. It might not be easy to find and catch a butterfly, at this time of the year; so one might do some research on the natural conditions:
Then it would be fine to get a beautiful, maybe even slighly futuristic type, like:
But, if this will be difficult, an “ugly” one, flying at night around a lamb, will also serve our purpose:
Pilot data for capsule construction
In order to reduce the effects of acceleration on the butterfly, a special pilot module will be built, depending on the size and form of the specific pilot. For assessing this the italian team is asked to make a picture of the pilots, that shows also the size.
Due to lack of butterflys at the german studio, here a leaf was taken for the illustration.
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