__Works on show:__ **Booth of silence** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/anvar_kadyrov|Anvar Kadyrov]]. \\ Future architectural object / urban service projects presentation. \\ Photos, sounds, object (maquette), documentation \\ 2009 \\ **Beautiful future projects** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/bernd_brincken/start|Bernd Brincken]]. \\ Lecture & performance, accompanied with a video presentation \\ 2009 \\ **Hajk (Globe of Armenia)** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/archi_galentz|Archi Galentz]]. \\ Sculpture. \\ 2002 \\ **Abstract composition Russia N1** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/elena_kovylina|Elena Kovylina]]. \\ Rubber on plywood. \\ 2009 \\ **Egalite** by Elena Kovylina \\ Video. \\ 2008 \\ **Diachronic** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/giovanni_de_dona|Giovanni de Dona]] \\ performance \\ 2009 \\ **STAMPATO** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/ilja_kitup|Ilja Kitup]] \\ Graphics, linocut, drawings \\ 2006-2009 \\ **LEFT,LEFT... RIGHT!** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/petr_bystrov|Petr Bystrov]] \\ 2-channel audiovisual installation, boxer gloves, snare drum score, conductor's stand \\ 2009 \\ **SUPREMUS** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/aleksandr_schumow|Aleksandr Schumow]] \\ work in progress / installation \\ 2009 \\ **My brother** by [[http://enduringfuturism.org/artists/aleksander_korneev|Aleksandr Korneev]] \\ video installation \\ 2009 \\