**Bernd von den Brincken** My contribution to //Enduring Futurism// is a lecture comprising three parts: * [[projects|Beautiful future projects]] - Projects with a futuristic character that were not yet realized - but should be. * [[Mountain of darkness]] - Understanding the future of the past, as part of a social learning process, \\ a dark historic chapter following another futuristic path: The production of the german 'Vergeltungswaffe 2' in World War II. * [[::Futurist Manifest II]] - Manifesting a futuristic approach in the (second) future society of today. Key topics of the Presentation on December 12, 2009 in Italy: {{:artists:bernd_brincken:ef_praes_b.pdf|}} ---- Further Links and Works continuing the Enduring Futurism thread after the 2009 presentation: * My former works and projects: [[Profile]]. * [[Kultur der Bewegung]], Lecture on November 18, 2010, invited by [[http://www.kultur-raumfahrt.de|kultur-raumfahrt.de]], \\ at [[http://www.hausderwissenschaft.org/hdw/index.html|Haus der Wissenschaft]] in Braunschweig * Part of my concept for [[http://www.interiordasein.de/curated-projects/qkosmosq-art-covention2012|Cosmos as Presence]], October 2012 at [[http://www.interiordasein.de/archi-galentz-atelier|InteriorDAsein - Archi Galentz]]: \\ The triple-redundant Kosmos Operating System - KOS{{ :artists:bernd_brincken:kos_z1_triple_redun_architecture.jpg?120|}} * [[Remarks for a Club of responsible Artists]] * [[:icra|International Club of Responsible Artists]] - NCCA Moscow on 2. April 2013 * [[Western Lands]] - Draft for a Follow-Up video presentation * [[Baby bear learns to fly]] at 2017 //Forma// festival, Moscow * [[http://kuenstliche-dummheit.de|Künstliche Dummheit]] - //Artificial stupidity// - Book, 2019, about the promise and hype of strong [[wp>AI]] * [[http://dreel.de|Dreel]] - an energy-aware vehicle, started 2021, work-in-progress in 2024